About me
Hi, I'm Gabriela Lerner
A few things you should know about me: I have a lifelong passion for food, I care deeply about the wellbeing of all living beings and the planet, and I suffered from Fibromyalgia, IBS and hypoglycaemia for 18 years. 

I thought I was eating healthily. Although it did occur to me that my extremely busy and stressful lifestyle wasn't helping my health, I didn't see a way of how I could change it.

Then my husband Neil was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2011 and upgraded to a stage 3 within 4 months, needing surgery or radio/hormone therapy in early 2012. It changed our lives forever.

We made a lot of changes instantly to fight the cancer. But most of the changes were a bit more gradual, which is how I believe we can make them sustainable. Those changes included a really big one – to shift our focus from 'fighting disease' to 'creating health'.
Since I ‘went raw’, I have been working on completely cleaning up my life – in physical, emotional and spiritual terms. I always was a high achiever, but my life was also both physically and emotionally painful. And to be honest, I didn’t have much time for spirituality.

Forced by my husband’s cancer diagnosis, I started to evaluate my own life and make strategic and consistent changes. Within six months of these lifestyle changes, I was virtually symptom free. My gut calmed down, my sleep improved, my energy levels were high and my pain almost non-existent.
Today I am 65 years old and I feel happier, healthier, fitter and much more at peace with myself and the world, than when I was 38. Neil has been cancer free since May 2012 without any invasive treatment.
I’m in awe of how our bodies can heal and how we use our mind to assist this process. And I’m dedicated to helping others reach similar levels of health and wellness in all areas of their lives, because only when we approach health in a truly holistic way, can we heal... on all levels.
Understanding healing through nutrition and lifestyle is a life-long learning process. Nutritional knowledge changes rapidly and new and better information becomes available all the time. As a result I have become a lifelong nutrition and wellness learner, so you don't have to do all the research yourself.
We changed many things in our lives and I want to make it clear that we do not claim to have cured cancer with diet. Instead we embarked on a life-enhancing, healthy and joyful journey that we believe allows our bodies, minds and spirits to heal.
If you find yourself at a turning point in your life where you truly want to make a commitment to your physical, mental and emotional health, you have come to the right place.
How I can help you
If you feel that this is a journey you want to go on, and if you are really ready to make a change in your life that will not only support your physical wellness but will give you the tools and the opportunity to infuse your life with love, joy and peace, then I've got what you're looking for:
If recovering your health is your top priority, I recommend you book a free conversation with me to discuss your best way forward.
If you want to learn more about the body mind spirit connection, I recommend you download my free eBook The Six Prayers Of Raw Love Awakening.
If you already consider yourself in good health but want to take things to the next level, I recommend you join the Raw Love Awakening membership.
If you are looking for full immersion now, I recommend you join my 6-week online programme.